Kopeck serebrom: coin of Russian Empire (1839-1848)
KOPECK SEREBROM: COIN OF RUSSIA 1 kopeck serebrom, 1841: Russian Empire Ruler: Nicholas I (Russian "Николай Павло…
Kopeck | Akçe: coin of Crimean Khanate (1780-1782)
KOPECK | AKÇE: COIN OF CRIMEAN KHANATE 1 kopeck | 3 akçe, 1780: Crimean Khanate (Russian Empire, protectorate) The Cri…
Tauride coins: numismatic rarity of Russian Empire
TAURIDE COINS: RUSSIAN EMPIRE 2 kopeck, 1788: Russian Empire At first glance, the photo shows an extremely common Russ…
Den'ga: coin of Russian Empire (1796-1828); type of denga
DEN'GA: COIN OF RUSSIAN EMPIRE Den'ga, 1827: Russian Empire Ruler: Nicholas I — Emperor of Russia, King of Con…
Siberian coins: polushka, denga, kopeck for Siberia
SIBERIAN COINS: RUSSIAN COLONIAL EMISSION Polushka, 1769: Siberia Governorate of the Russian Empire Ruler: Catherine I…
Kopeck-ruble | Grosz-zloty: coins of Russian partition of Poland
KOPECK-RUBLE | GROSZ-ZLOTY: COINS OF POLAND 15 kopeck | 1 zloty, 1838: Kingdom of Poland (as part of the Russian Empire…
Denezhka: coin of Russian Empire (1849-1867)
DENEZHKA: COIN OF RUSSIA Denezhka, 1854: Russian Empire Ruler: Nicholas I (Russian "Николай Павлович Романов&quo…
Penni: coin from Grand Duchy of Finland (Finnish Civil War)
PENNI: COIN OF FINLAND (RUSSIAN EMPIRE) 1 penni, 1917: Grand Duchy of Finland (Finnish Civil War) During 1809-1917, Fi…
Sadagura coins: denga-kopeck | para (double denomination)
SADAGURA COINS FOR MOLDAVIA AND WALLACHIA 2 para / 3 kopeck, 1773: Principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia Sadagura …
Grosz: coin of Russian partition of Poland (Congress Poland; 1815-1841)
GROSZ: COIN OF POLAND 10 groszy, 1840: Russian partition of Poland 10 GROSZY 1840 . Floral ornament. Coat of arms o…
Grivennik: coin of Russian Empire (1701-1796); 10 kopeck
GRIVENNIK: COIN OF RUSSIAN EMPIRE Grivennik (Гривенникъ), 1748: Russian Empire Ruler: Russian Empress in 1741-1762 …
Polushka: coin of Russian Empire (14th-19th centuries)
POLUSHKA: COIN OF RUSSIAN EMPIRE Polushka (полушка), 1735: Russian Empire Ruler: Anna of Russia (Anna Ioannovna) — th…
Poltina: coin of Russian Empire (1699-1885)
POLTINA: COIN OF RUSSIAN EMPIRE Poltina (Полтина), 1819: Russian Empire Ruler: Alexander I — the Emperor of the Russ…
Polupoltinnik: coin of Russian Empire (1701-1810)
POLUPOLTINNIK: COIN OF RUSSIAN EMPIRE Polupoltinnik (Полуполтинник), 1754: Russian Empire Ruler: Elizaveta Petrovna …